#024 Money Q&A: The Value of Currency
Money Q&A at Caveat. Photography by Shot By Rod
“Money is a great servant but a bad master.”
In this audience Q&A episode, you’ll hear from all three guests in the series on MONEY about a shocking statistics regarding money and civic responsibility, followed by a question about meaning in work, and concluding with a question about universal basic income. #thehappierhour
In #023 Making Money Work With Voltaire And Jill Schlesinger we learned how the complex financial issues are not really that complicated and why we should do as Voltaire advised and cultivate our own gardens.
Episode #022 was a bonus episode for about the existential crisis that often comes with career change.
Episode #021 Moral Money With Adam Smith and Professor Jennifer Morton highlighted the relationship between individual and society in the ethical costs of upward mobility, particularly for first generation students
Episode #020 Do The (Side) Hustle With Epicurus and Chris Guillebeau discussed the value of non-conformity in how we choose to work and live.
A Third Of Americans Would Exchange Their Voting Rights For A 10% Pay Raise
“This is a question too difficult for a mathematician. It should be asked of a philosopher" - Albert Einstein
A recurring theme in all the conversations we had about money, has the importance on understanding the real value behind the currency and not allowing society to dictated what is valuable to ourselves.
“What is one thing you wish you understood about making, saving, or spending money, that you don’t understand yet?”