#025 And The Tree Was Happy: A Story of Generosity
“The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein
“The wise man does not lay up his own treasures.
The more he gives to others,
the more he has for his own.”
In this bonus episode you’ll learn how the worldview of generosity has changed over the years and how you can support the future of The Happier Hour. Also, you’ll hear Monica cry when she described one of her favorite children’s books, but not to worry because all’s well the ends well! #thehappierhour
Previous Episodes on Money:
#024 Money Q&A: The Value of Currency is the final episode in the two-week series on money and featured all three guests answering audience questions.
In #023 Making Money Work With Voltaire And Jill Schlesinger we learned how the complex financial issues are not really that complicated and why we should do as Voltaire advised and cultivate our own gardens.
Episode #022 was a bonus episode for about the existential crisis that often comes with career change.
Episode #021 Moral Money With Adam Smith and Professor Jennifer Morton highlighted the relationship between individual and society in the ethical costs of upward mobility, particularly for first generation students
Episode #020 Do The (Side) Hustle With Epicurus and Chris Guillebeau discussed the value of non-conformity in how we choose to work and live.
Support The Happier Hour
The Happier Hour is on Patreon!
What is Patreon?
Patreon is a platform that allows you to join your favorite creator's community and pay them for making the stuff you love. In short, the creator is supported by the generosity of her or his patrons, just like the olden days! Except, instead of paying a lot of money, you have the option to donate the equivalent of a cup of coffee every month. There are several tiers based on how much the patrons are able to give and each tier comes with rewards so to speak. So, for example, this could be bonus content, monthly Q&A calls… there aren’t really any rules!
Why Patreon?
Season One of The Happier Hour was 100% ad free. But that doesn’t mean it was free to make! And after the episodes on money it became clear that The Happier Hour needs your help to keep going and growing. Those costs include the audio recording at the live events, podcast equipment, my editor, the website domain hosting, which have been coming out of pocket. While I believe deeply in the mission of The Happier Hour, I also believe it takes a village to bring creative and innovative endeavors into the world. And more importantly, I want you, the listener, to have the opportunity to be part of the change if you so choose!
“Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think. ”
Inspiration and ideas for starting a Patreon page courtesy of Jenny Blake’s The Heart of Podcasting course
Use code HOPMONICA for $25 off
Hear more about Jenny and her podcast in The Happier Hour Episode #019: The Write Life
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Do you host a podcast that has guests? Reach out to have Monica on your show
“What is one thing you can do today to bestow generosity towards someone else?”