#016 Labor of Truth: Ain't I A Woman
Th Happier Hour on REBELLION //Photography by Shot by Rod
“If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down, these women together ought to be able to turn it right again.”
In this Labor Day weekend bonus episode, you'll learn how the courage of former slave Sojourner Truth helped shape the rights of African Americans and the rights of all women. You'll also hear about ten current organizations led by women who are changing the lives of women and society in contemporary America, inspiring each of us to do something for the greater good. #thehappierhour
"Ain't I A Woman"
- The most authentic version of Sojourner Truth's, "Ain't I a woman," speech was first published in 1851 by Truth's good friend Rev. Marius Robinson in the Anti-Slavery Bugle and was titled, “On Woman’s Rights”.
The Smithsonian Magazine's 100 Most Significant Americans of All Time
Previous episodes on REBELLION:
Episode #014 featured rapper and activist Genesis B and the correlations with political writer and philosopher, Hannah Arendt
Episode #015 featured Dr. Christia Mercer, the first female philosophy professor at Columbia University to get tenure, about her work in bringing philosophy and literature to the incarcerated as well as the contributions made by the Catholic nun Saint Teresa de Avila.
Erin Glass, founder of Broadway Bound Kids, a transformative and inclusive community that inspires and empowers young lives through the performing arts.
Lauren Bille, founder of Cycles and Sex, an ecosystem of education, tools and personal experiences to teach people about their bodies.
Claire Wasserman and Ashley Louise, co-founders of Ladies Get Paid: Career, salary negotiation and professional development for women. Closing the wage gap and fighting for equal pay one raise at a time.
Elena Rossini, filmmaker, producer & activist whose mission is empowering women & girls. Creator of The Illusionists documentary and , #thisiswhataflimdirectorlookslike
Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who Code: summer programs and after-school clubs for teen girls with the goal of achieving gender parity in computer science by 2027.
Maria Yuan, founder of Issue Voter, a platform that provides you with custom alerts before Congress votes on issues, Bill summaries with both sides, and the ability to send your opinion and track your Rep's votes.
Kaisha S. Johnson, Alison T. McNeil, cofounders of Women of Color In The Arts an extensive network of female professionals dedicated to creating an equitable, inclusive and diverse performing arts field.
Lourdes Ashley Hunter, Executive Director of Trans Women of Color Collective, a grass-roots initiative based in Washington D.C. TWOCC is a grass-roots global initiative led by trans and gender non-conforming people of color that works to uplift the lived narratives, experiences and leadership of trans and gender non-conforming people of color, their families and comrades while building towards collective liberation for all oppressed people through healing and restorative justice
Morgan Dixon and Vanessa Garrision, founders of Girltrek, the largest public health nonprofit for African-American women and girls in the United States. With nearly 100,000 neighborhood walkers, GirlTrek encourages women to use walking as a practical first step to inspire healthy living, families, and communities.
Sarah Stockdale, creator of We Need To Talk About This, a weekly culture, feminism and comedy letter.
Christine Moselely, founder of Full Harvest, connecting food and beverage companies with farms to buy surplus and imperfect produce.
Elizabeth L Cardiello, co-founder of Legacy Out Loud, with the mission is to help young women confidently define their legacy and live it, out loud.
“Who is one woman you want to thank for putting in the labor to make this world a better place?”