#049 Designing Your Life With Debbie Millman and Jacques Derrida
Debbie Millman and Monica McCarthy / Photo by Liz Magee
“I speak only one language, and it is not my own.”
In this episode you’ll hear how designing our lives can help us be happier. You’ll learn what the award winning design expert and podcast host Debbie Millman has to say about pursuing success and fame, and what the philosopher Jacques Derrida can teach us about meaning and giving voice to the voiceless. #thehappierhour
Jacques Derrida: French Algerian philosopher and author of over 40 books including Of Grammatology
Deconstruction: A philosophy that asks us to dismantle our loyalty to the meaning of things as prescribed by society,
Différance: Term coined by Derrida referring to the postponement of the meaning of words
Anything Worthwhile Takes Time: Debbie Millman’s talk for 99u
Named “one of the most creative people in business” by Fast Company, and “one of the most influential designers working today” by Graphic Design USA, Debbie Millman is also an author, educator, curator and host of the podcast Design Matters, one of the world’s first and longest running podcasts. In the 13 years since its inception, the show has garnered over a five-million-downloads per year, a Cooper Hewitt National Design Award and iTunes has designated it one of the best overall podcasts.Debbie is the author of six books. In 2009 Debbie co-founded with Steven Heller the world’s first graduate program in branding at the School of Visual Arts in New York City.
“What is your ‘non-negotiable’ that you want to design your life around?”